Friday, April 25, 2008

A Chocoholic’s Forays into Chocolate World.

Chocolate Diet 2 So, you have been indulging in loads of chocolate recently and suddenly found that all your clothes had shrunk. Including the ones you bought a week ago! So, what do you do? A professional dietitian will tell you to dump any leftover chocolate in your house along with other sinfully fattening foods such as chips, candies, sweets, cakes, ice creams, etc. She will probably put you on a strict, low-calorie, low-fat, low-sugar, tasteless food diet which leaves you craving for more of those sinful stuff.

To a chocoholic, like me, dumping the rest of the sinful food is easy but when it comes to chocolate and chocolate cake and chocolate ice cream, I just could not bring myself to it. It is like throwing out my BFF that’s Best Friend Forever. It is like throwing out my lifeline. It is like throwing out the reasons for living 8230; I am sure you get the picture.

So, what do I do when the scales are moving the wrong side of the spectrum? It is sadly true that I go on a diet too but nothing as restrictive and as boring as a normal diet. I go on my very own 8216; custom-made to suit myself chocolate diet. And I combine that with exercise and an active lifestyle to get the pounds moving. Or simply to keep the pounds away.

The meal plan of my chocolate diet was mentioned in my first chocolate diet post and to keep from getting bored, I have since changed some of it and incorporated an easy exercise regime to burn off some of the unwanted calories. Here is my very own customized meal plan and fitness regime.

Disclaimer: This blog author shall not be held responsible for any additional addiction to chocolate or addiction to exercise if ever that is possible! as a result of this meal plan and exercise regime. These are merely her very own custom-made plans based on personal experience and readers are advised to follow it at their own peril! No weight loss is guaranteed but I absolutely guarantee that no chocolate will be left out!

Day 1 Morning:

A brisk 25 minute to 40 minutes walk jog Breakfast: Chocolate and banana shake refer to this post for recipe, a glass of water Morning tea break: One serving of fruits, a glass or two of water Lunch: Wholemeal cheese and tomatoes sandwich Recipe: Place cheese on bread, add chopped tomatoes and you have your sandwich!, a glass or two of water, small bowl of mixed salad.

Tea break: One bar of chocolate wafer, a glass or two of water, 5 roasted plain almonds and if still hungry, a banana.


Hit the gym for a bout of 20 minutes to 40 minutes of resistance training. Do two sets of each exercise. This can be two sets of sit-ups, two-sets of lower body exercise and two sets of upper body exercise.

Replenish body moisture by drinking loads of water after gym.

After workout snack: A tall glass of fruity freeze Recipe: Throw in green apples, peeled oranges, carrots and ice into a blender and blend it all together. If too sour, use ripe red apples instead.


Starter: Big plate of mixed salad, dressings on the side Entree: Grilled poached salmon cod topped with mushroom or lemon sauce and served with stir-fried vegetables.

Recipe for stir-fried vegetables: Cut broccoli into bite-size. Slice carrots thinly. Chop some garlic. In a pan, heat a spoon on olive oil. Stir-fry the garlic till fragrant and then add the carrots. Stir for a while and add the broccoli. Add soya sauce or salt to taste. Once the broccoli turn a bright green, it is cooked. Dessert: Two scoops of low-fat chocolate ice cream topped with a spoon of chocolate sauce and some roasted almond flakes.

At least another two glasses of water.

Day 2 Morning:

30 minutes to 1 hour of power yoga and floor exercises.


Fruits, milk with chocolate sauce, a bowl of full grain muesli, a glass or two of water Morning tea break: two glasses of water, 3 pc wholewheat crackers, 5 dark chocolate-covered almonds Lunch: a glass or two of water, wholemeal egg sandwich, celery and carrot sticks Afternoon tea break: 5 dark chocolate-covered raisins, a glass or two of water, one serving of fruits Evening:

Pre-workout snack: a banana preferably an hour before workout Workout: Go for a 30 minute jog or power walk. No cheating. Really sweat it out. Drink a glass or more of water.


Starter: Mixed salad, dressings on the side.

Entree: Roast chicken breast in brown sauce served with baked asparagus, carrots and tomatoes.

Dessert: A bar of 75g chocolate bar or four truffles.

Do remember to drink lots of water throughout as it is really good in cleansing your system. Do note that most of the meals do not have simple carbohydrates except for the chocolates!, this is so that you can indulge in some chocolate at least twice a day!

I will come up with Days 3 to 5 soon. Just keep a lookout for future postings.

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